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TimberEx TC92, the world’s largest conical twin extruder.

TimberEx TC92, the world’s largest conical twin extruder.

The CM140z MEDS with the Vertical Integrated Feed Option preheats wood-fiber plastic composite compounds, drives off residual moisture and maximizes filling of extruder screw flights. Throughput rates of 1700+lbs/hr are consistently achieved.

Just try to find a wood-fiber composite extruder as powerful as a TimberEx™.

The wood-fiber industry is relatively new; full of the promise of processing profits.  Cincinnati Milacron, with its vast knowledge and experience in the production of profiles with solid board dimensions or highly engineered net shape hollow profiles, helped pioneer this exciting industry.

Along with our experience, we offer our time-tested machine design technology. Our complete TimberEx line of large conical and parallel twin screw extruders has the highest output rates in the industry - up to 2400 lbs/hr and higher.

Cincinnati Milacron’s expertise in counter-rotating twin screw extruders gives our wood-fiber plastic composite systems vital advantages:

* Large surface area in the feed zone for more efficient feeding of fluffy, highly filled (up to 70%), small particle size formulations.
* Low shear rate to minimize breakdown of the wood-fiber.
* Positive pumping characteristics, ensuring uniform material residence time.
* Energy efficient.
* Natural compression (conical - large volume to small volume) for effective wetting out of the wood-fiber in the polymer system.
* Highly efficient with HDPE, PVC or PP powders.
* One-step extrusion. Second stage is not required to pump fused material through a die.

Only Cincinnati Milacron has the exacting screw geometries critical to achieving a homogenous melt and for effectively and efficiently removing the moisture in the final product.

Massive counter-rotating twin screws provide effective wetting out
of a large amount of wood-fiber in a small amount of plastic.

We were innovative at the onset of the wood-fiber market and are going strong. Larger volume extruders, ever-increasing throughput rates, enhanced screw geometries and preheater/crammer feed systems...look to us for latest breakthroughs in the wood-fiber plastic composite systems industry.

Better yet, take a look at our powerful TimberEx wood-fiber plastic composite extrusion systems today.

All specifications reflect average values based on typical machine layouts. Actual figures will vary depending on final machine configuration. If you require more specific data, consult a certified installation print for your particular machine. Performance specifications are based on theoretical data. Shipping weights reflect average historical values. Due to continual improvements, specifications are subject to change without notice. Safety equipment may have been removed or opened to clearly illustrate the product and must be in place prior to operation.
