Oil Processing Terminology
Refined Oil Refers to an oil processed with as many of the following methods necessary make it a bland salad grade oil.
Unrefined Oil Oil that has been filtered, but not refined, bleached or deodorized. Full robust flavor and odor.
Refined (R) Alkali treatment to remove impurities from crude oil such as gums, non-fatty materials, and acidic pigments.
Bleached (B) Filtered with acidified clays, removes color pigments and some flavor bodies.
Organic Bleach (OGB) Processed with non-acidified clays for organic oils, removes color pigments and some flavor bodies.
Deodorized (D) Steam processed in vacuum chamber, removes free fatty acids along with flavors & odors, creates a bland oil.
Winterized (W) Cold filtered, fractional crystallization process removes waxes & stearines which causes cloudiness in oils.
Expeller Pressed 100% natural mechanical extraction without the use of chemicals, such as hexane.
Cold Pressed (CP) Mechanical extraction, stone pressed or with centrifuge at temperatures under 120 degrees.
Integrated (I) Mix between expeller and chemically extracted oil.
High Oleic Superior quality seed variety, excellent for high temperature uses.
OU Kosher certified by Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.
QAI / OTCO Organic certification by 3rd party – Quality Assurance International (QAI)
SpectraVac SpectraVac is Spectrum’s proprietary oil processing system, which eliminates the effects of heat, light and oxygen.
LOCET Spectrum’s own Low Oil Content Extraction Technology.