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Technh, Inc.

Contact: Sales Manager

8 Continental Blvd.
Po Box 476
Merrimack, NH 03054
US-New Hampshire

Phone: 603-424-4404
Fax: 603-424-5820



TECHnh, Inc.® was founded in 1982 as a privately owned manufacturer for innovative prototyping with molded plastics. Today, Tech is a highly technical manufacturing source for your moldmaking, production molding and post molding services including assembly; continuously working to produce cost effective, high quality production parts.
Our capabilities also include plastics engineering and prototyping including industrial design, mold flow and finite element analysis. We are proud to be ISO 9001:2000 registered by TÜV Management Services, UL recognized and FDA registered. Utilizing Pro-Engineer, Pro-Mold Design and Pro-Manufacturing as our core technology, we are able to design, develop analyze and engineer product concepts, in a parallel path. This approach to rapid development confirms your product's manufacturability. We can then tool (production tooling in 4-8 weeks is possible) and mold your components all under one roof. Our capabilities, tools, talent and resources enable TECH to slash your time to market while dramatically increasing your profitability.
Our services can also be provided on an individual or group basis, to supply your company with the flexibility it requires meeting ever-changing project schedules and demands.
This is why our customers come to us...our success can help ensure your success.