Contact: Sales Manager
12 T. W. Alexander Dr., P.O. Box 13159
Res. Triangle Park, NC 27709-3159
Phone: 770-514-2268
Fax: 770-426-8107
Bekaert has always believed in the value of strong partnerships and sustainable customer relationships. The better together baseline was launched in 2005 as the ideal vision of the driving force behind our business. better together perfectly reflects the way we work together with our customers, partners, local authorities and colleagues. It is a substantive concept that enables us to raise quality and cooperation to an ever higher level. So better together is a continuing story of the pursuit of the objective shared by Bekaert and its more than 23 000 employees: sustainable profitable growth.
Based on testimonials we dare to say that customers, suppliers, shareholders and employees feel that better together plays a part in their day-to-day work and contributes to the achievement of everyone's goals and objectives.
Working together with all of you and keeping faith in our better together philosophy, we are confident that we can ensure a sustainable future for all of us and give you a leading position in your market.