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Belvac Production Machinery, Inc., A Dover Co.

Contact: Sales Manager

237 Graves Mill Rd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502-4203

Phone: 434-239-0358
Fax: 434-239-9252



Belvac is the world leader in the design and production continuous motion rotary machinery. We provide beverage canmakers with high-speed trimming, necking, base reprofiling and reforming, shaping, bottom rim coating, flanging and inspection technology. Over the years, we have been responsible for numerous advances in canmaking technology. This technology has enabled our customers to steadily increase line speeds and improve quality and productivity, while significantly reducing materials costs.

Now part of the multibillion dollar Dover Company (NYSE-DOV), Belvac was founded in 1962 in Lynchburg Virginia. Philosophies of quality, pride, craftsmanship, and work ethic set extremely high standards and quickly drove Belvac to become the world leader in its industry revolutionizing many manufacturing processes. For over forty years Belvac has turned innovative ideas into world class machinery. Serving both the Can Making and Plastics industry.