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Ceast USA, Inc.

Contact: Sales Manager

4816 Sirus Lane
Charlotte, NC 28208

Phone: 704-423-0042
Fax: 704-423-0081



CEASTÂ’s team of experts in elastomers and mechanics, design and develop instruments according to international standards. To this end, CEAST participates in the working meetings of international standardization organizations, such as ASTM and ISO, where the standards are defined, modified, discussed, and approved. We are an active member of, and contributor to, international research groups, such as ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society, conducting research in the field of material life time predictions for all industries). It is thanks to this aggressive policy and activity that CEAST can keep its range of products up-to-date and on the cutting-edge of accuracy, reliability, performance, safety, and simplicity of use.