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ColorChem International Corp.

Contact: Sales Manager

8601 Dunwoody Pl., Bldg. 334
Atlanta, GA 30350

Phone: 508-478-7474
Fax: 508-478-7850



ColorChem has been providing the plastics industry with the highest quality dyes for over 20 years. During this time, we have developed new products that provide excellent heat stability and light stability in PC, PBT, PET, Nylon, Polysulfone and many plastic alloys.
ColorChem manufactures our products in the U.S. and Mexico; we sell directly in the U.S. and Europe. ColorChem has agents representing us in Japan, Korea, and the rest of the Far East.

ColorChem also distributes the Neolor™ Pigments in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. These inorganic pigments have excellent heat and light stability, similar to cadmium and lead pigments without the regulatory concerns.

Please contact us if you would like additional information, technical assistance or if you would like to receive samples.