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DSET Laboratories

Contact: Sales Manager

45601 N. 47th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85087-7042

Phone: 623-465-7356
Fax: 623-495-9409


The increased demand for getting decision-making data as fast as possible makes more and more companies turn to accelerated weathering. But no accelerated weathering program can be complete without the confirmation from and correlation to natural weathering. Natural weathering provides the data you need to ensure that your product is covered against costly liability issues.

From static exposure racks to full-scale testing, our natural weathering facilities serve over 2000 clients in 40 countries and are affiliated with more than 25 trade- and professional organizations around the world. Our staff of trained scientists, engineers and technicians provides broad expertise and ongoing commitment to improve existing services and develop new methods for our clients' increasingly sophisticated needs