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Spirex announces agreement with Hitachi

Spirex announces agreement with Hitachi

YOUNGSTOWN, OH, Sept. 8 -- Spirex Corp., a manufacturer of plasticating systems, has obtained exclusive North American rights for the acquisition of Hitachi bimetallic barrel blanks.
Spirex will purchase unfinished barrels from Hitachi which utilize a high-performance barrel liner metallurgy. Hitachi C-020 is an iron/boron base alloy capable of withstanding abrasive environments, according to Spirex. Hitachi C-070 features the durability of a unique carbide alloy. The barrel blanks for both product types are manufactured at Hitachi Metal's facility in Kita Kyushu, Japan, and the company's new production plant in Dong Guan, China. Finished barrels will be produced at Spirex's manufacturing sites in Ohio and Wisconsin.
Spirex president Paul Colby said the company will stock a variety of both C-020 and C-070 types in diverse sizes and lengths. The barrel blanks will accommodate most OEM brands of processing equipment. Spirex said the key benefits will be enhanced quality, reduced lead times, and lower prices.
Spirex itself manufactures a family of single alloy and bimetallic barrels for specific systems and applications.